measure widened when I uploaded a piece to musescore
when I edited it:
when I uploaded it:
when I edited it:
when I uploaded it:
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Select the system, press { once or twice, re-upload
In reply to Select the system, press {… by Jojo-Schmitz
didn't work(the score in the program was fine but the one uploaded to musescore was not)
In reply to didn't work(the score in the… by wachamcaulid
Happened yesterday, even using Format/Page and scaling didn't work. I solved it by saving with 3.5.2 and uploading with it. Perhaps a (momentary?) problem with .com.
In reply to didn't work(the score in the… by wachamcaulid
What version are you using?
In reply to What version are you using? by Jojo-Schmitz
the latest( as of now)
Could be you did something involving manual adjustments of that measure and then a slightly difference in the hardware used to do the mathematical calculations that determine number of measures per line resulted in a different layout, and then the things you did with manual adjustments ended up being counterproductive.
If you attach your score we can understand and assist better.
In reply to Could be you did something… by Marc Sabatella
Hmm ok. Here's the piece:
Just_Awearyin'_For_You og.mscz
In reply to Here's the piece: [inline… by wachamcaulid
Try Ctrl+a then Ctrl+r;
Add System breaks.
In reply to Try Ctrl+a then Ctrl+r by Shoichi
I was trying hard to make it look like the way the pdf originally looked:
Just A-wearyin for You.pdf
but the piece did not change significantly when I pressed ctrl+r
edit: I uploaded the piece and it looks different since some slurs only went to the note after it as opposed to where I extended it. I'm kinda confused.
In reply to I was trying hard to make it… by wachamcaulid
Don't drag slurs
In reply to Don't drag slurs https:/… by Shoichi
does dragging them cause a lot of issues?
In reply to does dragging them cause a… by wachamcaulid
It shouldn't but I prefer to use the start and end note selection. In the attachment (*Ter) I have resized via Format/Page Settings->Scaling
In reply to It shouldn't but I prefer to… by Shoichi
I have uploaded the piece and the spacing was not exactly like the pdf but it's better.
But does it matter if some crescendos are not in the middle but at the bottom and the arpeggios do not go down to the last note that the pdf shows?
In reply to I have uploaded the piece… by wachamcaulid
You can select an element (e.g. arpeggio) and press X to invert its position and/or use Inspector to position it. Refer to the handbook for detailed information, e.g.…
In reply to does dragging them cause a… by wachamcaulid
Dragging anything more than just a slight amount is likely to cause at least some issues. It's important elements be attached properly. You can't add a marking to one note then drag it to appear above/below another note and expect it to work properly.
In the case of your slurs, the very first one is indicative of this, but they pretty much all have the same flaw. It's actually attached only to the first two notes, then stretched to look like it covers a whole measure and then some. So if the width of the measure ever changes, that slur is going to be very dadly wrong - either too long or too short, depending on whether the measure got narrower or wider.
In the future, when adding slurs, select the full range first, then click the palette icon or shortcut "S". but to fix existing incorrect scores, select one, press "R" to reset it, then use Shift+Right to extend it properly a note at a time.
The reason the measure widths differ on is, I think, that you seem to be using a font for lyrics that simply doesn't have. So it is substituting something else, and the widths differ. BTW, you're also doing that incorrectly I'm afraid - you're using the text toolbar to change each lyric one by one rather than simply changing the lyric text style. Your way is much much much more work. doubly so to fix the problem now. To fix it, right-click one lyric, Select / All Similar Elements, then click the "Remove Custom Formatting" button in the Inspector. You should also hit the reset buttons next to the font field. If you still wish to use a font other than the default, change it there in the Inspector then hit the set as style button ("S") icon. But do be aware that the score will look different on as well as as the systems of anyone who downloads it.
In reply to Dragging anything more than… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you very much. I will take note of that.
In reply to Dragging anything more than… by Marc Sabatella
I previously used a different font is because I wanted a certain number of bars to fit into a certain area.
Though I do not mind if the font changes when uploaded.
In reply to I previously used a… by wachamcaulid
That though may lead to less measures fit into a system, exactly the issue you're having
In reply to I previously used a… by wachamcaulid
Don't change font to get this effect - at most, change the font size - and also, using the Inspector. But if the goal is to have fewer measures per system, that's never the best way - just add breaks. If the goal is to have more measures per system, smaller lyrics font can sometimes be good, but more often, smaller staff size (Format / Page Settings) is the way to go, or just tighter note spacing (Format / Style / Measure / Spacing).
Glaring difference; you've used a lyrics font that is not supported by .com. So they used a fallback font which is wider, resulting in different spacing.
In reply to Glaring difference; you've… by jeetee
hmm ok. I previously did not know that it was unsupported. It makes sense now.
In reply to hmm ok. I previously did not… by wachamcaulid
Maybe replace "supported" with "available".