Adding an accidential to a score.

• Sep 9, 2021 - 15:37


I am new to Musescore and I am unable to add a new key signature to multiple measures. When I select the measure and than drag a key signature from a palette onto a measure I get a dead-end sign. I tried everything possible as I had read in the documentation but was unsuccessful.

The screenshot attached shows the key signature without the dead-end sign as though it actually worked.

Thank You,

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2021-09-09 10-32-52.png 526.73 KB


select the measure, click the keysig in the palette, far easier than dragging and finding the 'sweet spot' for dropping. It is described in
That screenshot does not show a keysig, but accidentals. Similar story: select the note, then click the accidental in the palette. Or just use the down arrow on the note. It is described in

How can someone being a member on since 6 years and 11 months be new to MuseScore?

Welcome aboard!

Also a word of caution here...
Looking at your screenshot, you have entered all F notes as F natural (e.g., -- 3rd fret, 4th string -- 6th fret, 2nd string -- 13th fret, 1st string).
When you successfully apply the G major key signature, those F's will show a natural sign. They will need to be raised in pitch to sound correctly as part of the G major scale.
Right click on an F notehead -> Select -> More -> Same note name -> OK, which will select all the F notes.
Then press the up arrow (to eliminate the natural accidentals).

N.B.: once the G major key signature is successfully notated, any new F's typed in will honor the G major key signature and sound as F sharp.

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