Horizontal space

• Dec 28, 2021 - 06:03

How can I have the music a little compressed, so to occupy less horizontal space?




In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I see. Yet the main problem remains unaddressed: the horizontal space between, say, two eight notes, should, generally speaking, be one space or the width of the note's head. But I get to much distance between notes. I'm trying to figure out a way to correct this.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You wrote "the horizontal space between, say, two eight notes, should, generally speaking, be one space or the width of the note's head."

Actually the horizontal space between notes should reflect the number of notes in the system. Fewer notes in the system results in wider spacing. The spacing should also reflect the relative durations of the notes. The space after a quarter note should be greater than after an eighth note. The spacing is not however, linearly proportional to the note duration but is more like a logarithmic relationship; the space after a quarter note is less than twice the space after an eighth note for example. Spacing is also affected by the presence of absence of accidentals and whether noteheads are mirrored to accommodate intervals of seconds in chords.

Spacing depends on many factors. The defaults should be pretty good already as per standards rules of music notation, but if you have some special reason to wish to create different types of layout, there are various controls over this depending on the specific layout you are trying to achieve. If you attach your score and describe what specific effect you are trying to achieve, we can understand and assist better.

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