Recorder Fingering--how to?

• Feb 4, 2022 - 19:11

Hello--I see that there is a "plug in" for adding a diagram for recorder fingering (not sure what a plug in is). I am NOT tech savvy in the least (unless it's recording software). If possible, would anyone be willing to explain in a very easy way how to access this possibility for recorder diagrams for notes on the staff? I see the downloads and have clicked on them. But then what? No idea what to do next. If it is very involved (think: someone with super elementary computer "skills") just lmk know that, and I won't attempt. Thanks.


It's not involved at all, but the instructions look more complicated than they really are, because it's trying to cover three different operating systems as well as other possible variables. The actual instruments are simple:

1) download into your Documents/MuseScore3/Plugins folder
2) if it's a ZIP file, extra the contents into that folder (no need for this step if it's a QML file)
3) in MuseScore, go to Plugins / Plugin Manager
4) find your new plugin in the list and put a check next to it
5) close the Plugin Manager

Now it's installed - you only need to do this once. From now on you can run it directly from the Plugins menu.

In reply to by Kittyko

Some plugins work for MuseScore version 1, others for version 2 (so we mean for X2). If there is no plugin for 3X you have an alternative:
Different versions of MuseScore can be intalled without conflict, so you could download the old 1X and install it to use the plugin (from
Another possibility is that a contributor can transport the plugin by updating it for the latest version.

Translated with (free version)

I've got a recorder font working in a 3.x plugin but I don't know if it's giving the right glyphs to each note.
Some notes didn't get a glyph at all. Maybe they are out of range?
Above are all the glyphs available in the (free) font.
Edit: I don't think that these are actually all the glyphs. I need to check

There is a free font editor called FontForge and it looks as though it would be easy to design a recorder font if the above font is not suitable.

In reply to by Kittyko

This sample was made by a new Musescore plugin compatible with 3.x so you just press a button and it applies the recorder font to all notes in voice 1 of the selected range of measures. If no range is selected then it processes the whole score.

Can you check the image above to see if every note has the correct glyph? I don't know much recorder notation and I guessed a couple of these as they weren't in the Yamaha documentation. If everything checks out then I can share the plugin and font for you to use in Musescore.

My plugin appears to be giving results which are instrument dependent, as shown in this image. Any idea why the fingering symbols are moved an octave higher on the violin stave?


In reply to by yonah_ag

A violin has a much larger range than a recorder. A recorder is basically two octaves, and in the case of the typical soprano recorder, that extends from C5 (an octave above middle C) to somewhere around C7 depending on the skill of the player. Those are sounding pitches - written pitches are an octave lower. But a violin can get from G3 (a fourth below middle C) to, well, somewhere that same C7, give or take a few notes depending on skill. Meaning, violin has an octave of around 3-4 octaves, and the record overlaps the top half of that range. They have approximately the same top end but the violin gets an octave and half lower.

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