Sax to clarinet

• Apr 19, 2022 - 01:38

I am copying a score in which an alto sax changes to clarinet. How do I do that?


In reply to by Jm6stringer

If the score is set up properly to use clarinet as the starting instrument and then somewhere later in the piece an instrument change to alto sax is added Musescore should use the correct transposed key signatures at the appropriate places. (Provided the concert pitch view button is not selected of course.) There should be no need to add different key signatures for individual instruments unless they are really playing in different (concert) keys to all the other instruments.

Something is not right but impossible to confirm without seeing the score (.mscz file).

In reply to by SteveBlower

Changing the key for the staff with the instrument change is a workaround for the bug you mentioned. That is, when adding the instrument change going from a saxophone to a clarinet, the key signature that is added automatically is correct. Correct the key for that staff only works around the problem just fine from what I can tell - so, Ctrl+click the actual desired concert key. Or go back to the beginning of the score (or the whever the current key was first established) and re-add that key signature normally - that also seems to correct the bad key signature at the instrument change.

But indeed, other than as a workaround for that bug, one wouldn't normally be using this to set different keys for different staves for transposing instruments; that normally all works automatically.

Or just add a clarinet, enter the notes (place system breaks before the clarinet starts) and then tick Format > Style > Score > Hide empty staves (and untick Format > Style > Score > Don't hide empty staves in first system)

Same thing goes for the clarinet: you can switch between clarinet and any saxophone very effectively if you use proper embouchure, voicing, finger technique, etc. for each instrument. It isn't a zero-sum game where playing one instrument better makes another one worse depositphotos

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