four measures per line ...squeezing them in

• Apr 29, 2022 - 15:56

For the life of me, and usually I am pretty good at this, I can't figure out how to get that straggling measure on the 5th line to jump up to the fourth.
We sight read a lot and it is always much easier if one has a standard 4 measures per line.
Any ideas, beside reducing the staff spacing...don't really want to go smaller.
Example is attached

Attachment Size
Body_and_Soul Bb Instr C McFadden.mscz 27.83 KB


In reply to by bobjp

Well, you can use accidentals, which is what I'd do, personally. Or you can notate in Db instead of C#, which is what most people would do. Neither fixes this on its own but they may possibly give a better starting point. I note the staff size is quite large here - a staff space of 2 mm. Removing the key signature and using accidentals instead allows it to fit with a 1.8 mm staff space, which is still plenty large.

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