Separating Verses from Refrains

• Jan 19, 2015 - 20:29

Can someone please show me how to separate a lead sheet so the refrain and the verses are not connected.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm not really sure, maybe the author of the work I linked to used "hide empty staves."

If this works I'll use it.

I can't speak for the original poster in this thread, that is, what he was looking for.

I try to keep cantor scores to two pages max, this technique wouldn't have worked for my first score I posted here - both pages were full as it was -, so it didn't matter.

Next week's Psalm is short.

My previous music is in Forte, which also has to be tricked into doing this. But I'm really starting to like MuseScore.

What I want is: First staff group - refrain - (Cantor and Organ), which will include three clefs,

and all following - verse - Cantor (one treble clef with lyric) only.

See attached.

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ResponsorialSample.png 60.39 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc, that does the trick nicely.

Attached is what these responsorial Psalms usually look like in an annual Mass music book, if you're interested.

...And really not many people want them to look like this. The cantor can loose his place easily.

I'm not sure MuseScore can generate something like this, even if it could I wouldn't want to create it.

The attached Psalm (Psalm 46) won't be used again until November 9 falls on a Sunday, and by then ICEL will have a new translation.

Attachment Size
Dedication_of_the_Latin_Basilica.jpg 86.45 KB

Connected in what way? Are you talking about a simple line break? Click the barline, hit Enter (or sue the palette as suggested above).

If that doesn't answer your question, perhaps you could upload a picture to demonstrate what you are trying to do.

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