Adding Accidental to Ornaments does not play normally

• Jul 11, 2022 - 08:05

MEDIUM5 2050 Overture.mscz For Piccolo part, measure 32, I have added a trill at note Db6 but it plays back as trill between Db7 and E7 (augmented second, equal to minor third) instead of Eb7 (major second), with a small flat accidental added above.


Have a look here: MEDIUM5 2050 Overture-Piccolo.mscz
Use menu item: View > Show Invisible to see a hidden E♭ added into the second voice. It's needed for its ♭ accidental - for correct playback; and for notation - when dragged above the trill.
In the Inspector, notice that the "chord" (not the "note") was made 'Small' and 'Stemless'. 'Play' was unticked for the E♭ because we only want the trill to sound.

Also, any extraneous voice 2 rests were deleted.

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