Medieval/Chant Typesetting in MuseScore
Hi, I've searched around and was wondering if MuseScore will be developing a Medieval notation to it's core application? If not, maybe it might be good to create a MuseScore Medieval program. SImilar to this:
I'm currently looking at Greggario, but I love MuseScore as I'm used to it. If anyone is interested who do we need to contact to make this happen?
P.S. I have Vector skills and could assist with notation, or developing the font. Please let me know what font software works best with MuseScore.
MuseScore uses SMuFL, so fonts are already there, at least Bravura is a fully complete SMuFL font (and used as the fallback for the other fonts, in case ther don't provide a certain glyph)
SMuFL should provide glyps for medieval music.
What's missing is all the logic and code to fully support medieval notation
Hi! I'm not familiar with Greggario, or Piéchaud's Medieval 2--the latter is an add-on, or sub-program operating within Finale, right? While I've often been disappointed that MuseScore doesn't support playback or easy note-entry for neumatic notation--even the basic Solesme version--I wonder how difficult it would be to implement that, given that the real-world uses for it, combined in one file with modern notation, would be quite limited--incipits and alternatim chant verses in scholarly editions of polyphonic music, and the like.
Marc's suggestion of using an underlay of invisble notes is ingenious, although I can see some difficulties, especially with longer pieces--spacing would become a concern, and of course that four-line staff.
In reply to Hi! I'm not familiar with… by wfazekas1
Thanks for your response! You can make a four lined staff by:
1) Create a single Treble staff;
2) selecting an empty bar bar;
3) right-click > choose "Staff/Part Properties..." ;
4) type in 4 lines instead of 5 lines
In terms of spacing, I guess you would need to set up your bars and page formatting first before dragging each element on the staff. It's too bad MuseScore doesn't offer more note head options, but at some point, it would exceed simple note inputs. I guess we wait to see if the programmers can make it happen.
In reply to Thanks for your response!… by RP_2022ad
Did you try the method I described in No dragging involved whatsoever, and I don't think there should be anything special you need to do regarding page formatting, either. In principle you could convert an entire score in a few minutes.
In reply to Did you try the method I… by Marc Sabatella
I did. It works great for Mensural notation. I think, I just figured it out. I was having trouble stacking and making a podatus, but realized you can select the invisible note and add as many symbols as possible. I might make a tutorial video once I get comfortable with this. Thanks, Marc. You're a genius. :)
In reply to I did. It works great for… by RP_2022ad
Thanks, glad it's working well! And yes, the ability to stack the symbols is great - add one symbol, then as you add other symbols, they are added to the symbol you just added, allowing them then all be moved together, even as you also add relative offsets to them. And you can even add the whole stack to your palette by Chtrl+Shift+drag of the "bottommost" element. The relative offsets within the stack get preserved - although it can look weird in the palette, it should be good when added to the score.