D Minor key signature keeps showing up as F major

• Sep 10, 2022 - 16:35

I'm trying to make a piece in D Minor, but when I drag over the key signature into the music area, it keeps switching to F Major. Then, I tried dragging the D Minor back over that staff bar, but it won't change. I'm not sure how to fix this.


D minor is the relative minor of F Major and therefore the key signatures should be identical - one flat (B flat). What difference are you expecting to see?

In reply to by mike1234512345

What instrument are you applying the key signature to? If it is a transposing instrument in Bb and if you are not viewing at concert pitch (i e. the concert pitch button in the tool bar is not selected) then what you are seeing is correct. You apply the concert pitch key signature (D minor) and Musescore automatically shows the correct transposed key signature in this case E minor (one sharp).

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