Importing scores from PDF files - problems with red notes

• Sep 19, 2022 - 17:22

Importing a file from PDF is a bit hit and miss and there are often mistakes. In my case I wanted to change the instrument from voice to a trio of recorders, Descant, treble and tenor. So I changed the instruments OK and tidied up the bars - some had extra beats added. But I am getting red notes on some of the parts. I know this is supposed to mean out of range of the chosen instrument - but they are not and they are not all red. Just some. I have tried to change the acceptable range of the instrument but it makes no difference. Any ideas?


Probably they are out of range once the transpositions are considered. So be sure that's set up properly in Staff/Part properties that' you didn't merely change the playback sound but actually changed the instrument and with it the transposition and or clef.

If you continue to have trouble, attach your score here so we can understand and assist further.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1307581

That didn't make a lot of sense to me. If I select the descant recorder parts first two staves and use the shortcut you suggest it just moves the notes an octave higher on the stave The red notes disappear that is true but the descant recorder is usually written an octave lower than it actually is and that is reflected in the instrument setting. I can't find any setting to put the 8va alta on the score.

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