Making the Coda work

• May 6, 2020 - 22:11

Here is my score. For some reason the repeat to the coda is not working. What have I missed?

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Double-Mint_Twist.mscz 24.74 KB


You need to insert the "To Coda" marker at the end of measure 6 and not another coda symbol itself. You may then subsequently edit the text of the "to coda" to include the symbol if you so wish.

In reply to by jeetee

Hi again, this time I need a little help with Fine. I have the repeat working but it doesn't stop at the Fine notation. Probably something simple again? Also, since I am new to this notation thing, would it be possible to add a To Coda where the Fine is now and then add a few Coda bars?


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Runaway.mscz 25.01 KB

In reply to by dwf2008

Concerning your second request: Yes it is also possible to add "d.s. al coda", "to coda" and after it a coda sign inside the score to jump to another measure. But if your coda measures are an alternative ending you've to notate these measures at the end of the score, not inside it.

In reply to by Jason Wiebe

You wrote: doesn't match the signs of the original.
No one here can see the original. ;-)
If you want to match the original and require more help, please attach the original or explain exactly what signs are used, and in which measures.

One thing for sure is that (although your score plays the way you want), your use of 'D.S. al coda' is misused.
You do not show a coda at all, and the Segno sign looks like you are substituting it for what should be a Coda.

In reply to by Jason Wiebe

If you wish to match the original, have a look:
In your screen shots of the original, the instruction "3rd time - To Coda" can be achieved by using the "To Coda" from the palette and editing its text. (Double click on 'To Coda' to edit)
If you wish to see any invisible items...
Since a D.S. al Coda was needed for playback purposes, you can use menu item: View and place a check mark in the 'Show Invisible' box to see the D.S. al Coda placement at volta 2 and the Segno in measure 9.

Here are some corrections made:
Measure 13 last note in piano treble clef staff should be a B, not C.
Measure 38 piano bass clef changes to treble clef in the original.
Measure 38 the eighth rest in the piano treble staff should be a G, not a rest.
Measure 40 shows a glissando in the original.

In reply to by Jason Wiebe

Once you get the playback to sound the way you want, if you need to make everything look like your original, you will have to hide the things that don't appear in the original. There are options available.
For example, text like "3rd time - To Coda" is not an item found in Musescore's Repeats & Jumps palette, so you can either modify the palette's 'To Coda' and change the text to "3rd time - To Coda" (like I did earlier) or you can hide the 'To Coda' and use staff text for the "3rd time - To Coda" instruction.

Unless it's necessary to duplicate the original, you are not restricted to that publisher's choices. You can use the standard elements available in MuseScore without hiding anything to make it play correctly. There's nothing wrong with showing the D.S. al Coda or even using only 2 pages for the score. It plays the same as the original and is perfectly understandable both by MuseScore and any human musician:
Prince_Of_Peace alt.mscz

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