Enhancing "Line" Feature !

• Nov 5, 2022 - 22:21

Often, I need to draw a shape like the (Prima/Seconda volta) but without (1 or 2 ..) on certain notes.
Using the "Prima", then deleting the number, increasing the thickness, adjusting beginning and ending, and I get the shape I want ! But the measure will be ignored in the (Repeat) and this is unwanted!

Is there a possibility to add a shape like this that is expandable when selected?
Please see the attached image below.
All thanks and respect.

Attachment Size
Shape.png 15.84 KB


Look in the Lines pallet. There is a plain line. Add it to the score and then you can customise it. You can add "hooks" - note that both +ve and -ve dimensions are valid to get hooks extending either side of the line. You can also change the line thickness. Once you have a line formatted as you wish you can add it to a pallet for future re-use. Drag it to the pallet while holding CTRL+SHIFT {see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/palettes#add-element-to-palette). It's length can be adjusted in the same way as any other line - e.g. volta.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Dear Steve, Thank you for your interest and response.
I definitely saw this plain line, and thickened it just right, the problem is with the two short vertical "hooks", I hope you try to draw them without losing your temper, because the edges of the line Snaps against your will.
As for 8ve, there is no way to remove the number 8, as it remains open on one side.

musescore is great in every way, and I switched over to it from Encore after using it for many years since 1996 with Music Time too, but drawing lines in Encore is still easier, and more practical at this point.

I don't think adding the suggested shape to the pallet is difficult, or at least freeing the ends of the line from this annoying Snapping.

Thanks again

In reply to by Murad Daghum

It's not clear what you mean about the edges of the line snapping. Or what you mean by "drawing" the hooks = there is nothing to draw, just set the hook height in the Inspector.

If you continue to have problems, best to attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem you are seeing.

Using the octave line wouldn't be advisable since it affects playback, but for the record, you can remove the text in the Inspector.

In reply to by Murad Daghum

Perhaps you are using the basic workspace. If you change to the advanced workspace (see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/workspaces) there should be a plain line in the Lines pallet - like this


That is a much better starting point than the 8va line as it doesn't affect playback.

Regarding "snapping" are you perhaps trying to control the size of the line by dragging. It is much easier to select one of the handles and use Shift+Left or right arrow to extend/contract the range one note/rest at a time. You can also just use the arrow keys without Shift for fine adjustment. Dragging is almost never the best way to adjust positions in Musescore.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Dear Steve
I always use advanced workspace.
Regarding "snapping", After I insert the line horizontally, I reinsert another horizontal line and then make it short and then try to rotate it to make it vertical to put it at the end of the long horizontal line. When the rotation process is executed, the snapping occurs, so the short line returns horizontally or diagonally.

In reply to by Murad Daghum

I don't understand why you need to rotate anything. The picture in your original post shows a simple line with downward hooks - looking like the volta you mention but without text. Are you perhaps trying to add the hooks by adding horizontal lines and rotating them. Don't do that. You can create the line in your picture from the plain line in the pallet, using the inspector to add hooks and increase the line thickness - like in this attached score. CustomLine.mscz

The places in the inspector to do that are shown here:


The result looks like this:


In fact you can CTRL+SHIFT+Drag the line in that score to your pallet and use it straight away - or adjust it to your taste and then add it to the pallet.

Or am I missing something about what you are looking for?

In reply to by Murad Daghum

I am glad you worked it out. It is rather non-intuitive that hooks are dealt with in the "Text line details" section even when there is no text. Perhaps that setting should be moved to the "Line" section. I wonder how MU4 does this. I'll take a look later.

I am a curious sort who likes to press all the buttons to see what happens and so I encounter these useful features tucked away in the less visited areas of musescore.

You can use Paint (in Widows) to create a rectangle. Then erase the bottom line. Save as image to someplace where you know where it is. Go to https://www.remove.bg/. drag your image there. Download new image that has invisible background. Drag new image to score. Resize as needed. Drag to palette to reuse. You might need a couple different versions. Only takes a minute or two.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I suspect that the problem the OP has is the term Hooks. It didn't make any sense to me at first. Aren't hooks curved? Maybe not. Plus all the terms involved in setting the whole thing up. Those of us unfamiliar with modifying things like this are on shaky ground. I figured it out from Steve's post. But I don't think I would have otherwise. This may be in the manual somewhere, but things can be hard to find. I find both methods have their strong and weak points. It just depends on the actual symbol that is needed. The line version can be stretched but it tends to mess with the format. They C+P differently. Both versions can be produced in a minute.

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