How to Dal Segno Senza Fine

• Nov 24, 2022 - 14:15

I would like to do a Dal Segno Senza Fine, Which is essentially, play up until Dal Segno Senza Fine, repeat from the Segno up until the Dal Segno Senza Fine, repeat the beginning and end at Segno. but I'm not sure how to go about it. When I add a D.S. Al Coda it replays from the Segno up until the Dal Segno Senza, but ends without replaying the beginning.


In reply to by SteveBlower

I don't see a "Fine" label in the Mazurka either. I would have taken a simple D.S..

But he wants to start all over again afterwards and play up to a Segno - to which one?
If to the first segno: there must be a D.S. and a D.C. al Fine at the last measure and a Fine label at measure 4 for ending there.
Or to the second Segno: there must be a D.S. and a D.C. at the last measure.
See example in the appendix (don't be irritated by measure 8).

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mazurka-repeats.mscz 6.6 KB

In reply to by HildeK

I wrote that piece ;-)

Whichever one is encountered first in the file will be executed first, but during writing it I have noticed that on occasion the one added first isn't always the one that gets written away first. We might be able to add some better controls for multiple jumps in the (not so near) future to help in clarifying those type of roadmaps.

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