Update acknowledgement

• Dec 18, 2022 - 19:37

Every time I currently open Musescore (often several times a day), a popup tells me a Musescore update is available. However, the update is not compatible with the version of my OS as I am currently running Mac 10.14.6 and the new version of MS requires 11.5 or above. I could update to the latest version of Mac OS but my laptop is 2017 Macbook Air and I am concerned that if I went ahead, my laptop would become extremely slow and unresponsive. This happened to me a few years ago after I updated and iPhone and ended up practically binning it after the update! If anyone knows a way that I can acknowledge the pop-up (maybe programmers add an acknowlegement tick box?), so it will not appear every time I open Musescore, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks, Mark.


But note that MuseScore itself still should run on 10.14+
The optional Muse Sounds distributed via the Muse Hub indeed will not and require 11.5+

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