Change guitar tab appearance in playback mode

• Dec 20, 2022 - 19:04

Hi! I imported a guitar pro tab into musescore and currently it looks like in the left part of the picture attached. The right part of the picture is what I took from the musescore website, and I want my tab to look like that. More specifically, the part with the musical symbols and the fancy TAB font.

I've explored many UI options and also consulted the documentation, but no luck so far. I'd really appreciate any help on this. Thanks!

Attachment Size
temp.png 305.85 KB


In reply to by jeetee

Thanks jeetee! I think I still didn't clarify it properly. What I meant is - you see the word "TAB" written at the start of the first bar on each line - how do I get it to look like the cursive version that you can see in the right part of the attached image?
Currently what I have is "TAB" written in a normal looking font - I want to change that to the fancy version. Hope that clarifies my question more

In reply to by sphyrch

That symbol comes from your Musical Notation font. It is the "Tablature Serif" clef from the Emmentaler font.

To use it you'd first go to Format > Style > Score to select Emmentaler as the Musical Symbols Font. Then you'd apply the "Tablature Serif" clef to your staff via the Clefs palette, where you can find it under the "More" popup.

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