Opening tune from ver 3 in ver 4...misplaced notes, odd red notes...

• Dec 24, 2022 - 18:43

I've opened a file which was created in Musescore 3 in Musescore 4. It is a tune that uses two voices. For the most part, the score came thru fine but, in the Trio, voice 1, first beat, is not aligned vertically with voice 2 first beat. Also, the top note (which was voice 1) is now red (if you click on it) rather than blue. It isn't out of range (typical for red colored noteheads). I cannot seem to alter it in any way.

Weirdly, the notation staff is fine (although the red notes are there if you click on them), the tablature is where the misalignment occurs. Viewing/printing this piece in the original ver 3 shows no issues.

Any ideas? Fixes? I've uploaded the file to my scores. Look for "Montclair Galop" the Trio starts on page 14. There are other errors I'm trying to fix, this one is the most confusing.


Many here ask for a score to be attached to this Forum post. I happened to look at your uploaded score, and found no red notes? Doesn't sound like said red notes are seen in MS3. People here can most quickly download the music then open it - as you're doing - in MS4. Perhaps then your issues become apparent.

In reply to by Are Jayem

Yes, the red notes don't appear in the uploaded score (read online here), just in MS4 proper. Stupidly, when I uploaded the piece to MS4, I overwrote the MS3 original. I've been re-writing the piece to eliminate all the errors that showed up when I converted it to MS4...and the red notes (which showed up colored as a different voice) are now gone...but I had to go in and overwrite every voiced section because I thought it might be causing problem 2: offset notes in the tablature.

Any voiced chord stack shifts voice 2 to the right of voice 1 in the tablature. This is not a conversion issue, I just wrote the 1st banjo part out new...and it did the same thing (see score "Montclair Galop - Albert John Weidt" in my scores area). It looks normal in the notation. You can see that in the score I uploaded as well. It looks as if it is having trouble with collisions in the tab stacks. I'm going to try to play with the staff line spacing and see if it clears up.

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