text below Roman Numeral Analysis

• Jan 2, 2023 - 18:43

Can I add text below Roman Numeral Analysis? I already added text using ‘add’ ‘text’ ‘system text’ which appeared above the chord symbols. Can I add additional (analytical) text below the Roman Numeral Analysis?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for your reply. I was able to add ‘staff text’ below the RNA.
The inspector allows me to see that the text I added above the chord symbols was a ‘text box.’ Apparently, when I dragged the text, I didn’t drag the box, as it is still visible, and seems to be adding unwanted space between the text and the chord symbols. Was ‘text box’ an inappropriate choice? I thought by dragging the text I was dragging the box. Might I have inadvertently dragged the text without dragging the box? File attached.
If I click on the text, the inspector tells me it is ‘frame text’ and if I click on it a second time, a thick-lined grey box appears the same size as the text, but if I click on nothing, that grey box disappears, and there is a different thin-lined dashed grey box that is always visible, but in a different location. The inspector tells me it is a ‘frame text’ box, but the frame text is partly outside that box. If I try to delete the thin-lined dashed grey box, the frame text is deleted also. Do you know what I may have done in error to cause this, or what I could do to avoid it in the future?

Attachment Size
12-27-22 Ciaccona Phrase # 53.mscz 14.72 KB

In reply to by jefftro

Frames are not positionable - the elements within them are. You're calling this a "box", but it's not really, it's just a container that happens to display as a rectangle on screen, but it doesn't print. But anyhow, text frames are for adding text between systems. Assuming that's your goal, this was a good choice. But if you didn't mean to drag the text within it, just select it and press Ctrl+R to reset it to the default position.

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