Musescore 4 keeps on corrupting my scores

• Jan 13, 2023 - 03:17

Hey, I'm having this problem with musescore 4 that it corrupts my files. For exemple, I had this score and when I opened in musescore the next day it sayd 'File is corrupted' and when I click 'Ignore', it does nothing, and doesn't open the file. I have seen people suggesting to import the file to a MusicXML format, but, since I can't open the file, I can't import it. Also I can't open it in Musescore 3 too. Thanks in Advance!

Attachment Size
Choro Negro.mscz 34.6 KB


You are better to go back and read the responses to earlier posts on exactly the same issue, rather than hope someone has the energy to answer it for the 50th time (or more)

In reply to by memeweaver

I have tried doing that. When I zip it and extract the .mscx, i can't open the file in Musescore 4 nor Musescore 3. I also can't export the file to a MusicXML format, since Musescore can't open the file. And if I try to use Musescore 3 to show the corruptions, it just says that the file is corrupted and if I ignore it I get a blank file.

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