How to get a desired beam grouping?

• Jan 22, 2023 - 18:37

The second attachment shows what I'd like to have for eighth-note beaming in a 2+3+1/4 additive meter I'm using.
Until now, I didn't understand that the beaming can be grouped as desired - even after the meter is created.

BUT, I'm not able to get what I'd like.

Why - when creating the meter - the "global value" was set to 3/2... is beyond me. Is the 3/2 conflicting with what I want for beaming? And, it's grayed-out, so I can't change it to 6/4.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Understood, Jojo... Yet, what I am trying to get is 4-eighths beamed APART from the next 6-eighths beamed, APART from the final 2-eighths. No note-with-a-flag, except where I may want that.

Though I set up the beam-grouping (in time-sig properties) as I want for 2+3+1/4, I cannot achieve that beaming in the score. Here's the live score, measure 27 is what I'm working to change.

The Beam Palette icons seem to arbitrarily decide how the beams are to be grouped...

Attachment Size
oblongotus.mscz 37.94 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't see any difference? Now both the measures in question, and the time-sig properties match as follows:
4 eighths with 'flags'
6 eighths with beams
2 eighths with 'flags'

While I can live with this grouping visually, I was hoping (where I want it) to have beams grouped with no note flags.

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