Sound lag - especially on vocal midi MuseScore 4

• Jan 23, 2023 - 22:15

I am LOVING the new sounds on the updated MuseScore 4. I didn't think I would be happy with anything over MuseScore 3. I am getting two issues though and was hoping there was a fix?

  1. The sound on the new midis is behind the click by about a quarter of a second, which is throwing the timing really off on the sound. This is especially an issue with the vocal midis.

  2. The sound for all of the lines is at different volumns. I will have dynamics written in (p, f, mf etc) but the sounds for each line come out differently, so one will be really loud, and another might be really soft, so soft that I can't hear it. I have tried playing around with the mixer but had no joy.

Please help! I love this software, but this is killing me...

Many thanks in advance! :)


In reply to by johnowenmiley

Terminology can be whatever you want. MIDI = musical instrument digital interface. The protocol of MIDI tells the receiving device "play this, this loud, this long", and can tell said device "change from a vocal sound to a saxophone sound". The new vocal sounds in MS4 will - I hope - get more refined and satisfying to us composers, so we don't feel certain instruments feel sluggish when they begin sounding.

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