Duration dot moves off horizontal when inverted in second voice (MS4)

• Jan 5, 2023 - 04:19

See examples. Select measure and invert,

If you have a note with a duration dot and invert it, the dot stays horizontally centred on the notehead.

If the note is in another voice, then the dot moves downwards.

{EDIT: It appears that the "Duration dot position" property changes from Auto to below/above when the measure is inverted}

Attachment Size
Aumentation inversion.png 6.03 KB
Augmentation inversion.mscz 15.72 KB


Can you explain what you mean by "invert" in this context? Do you mean, flipping direction by pressing "X"? I have loaded your file, which appears to show a number of stems that have been flipped as well as a number of dots that have been flipped (these are flippable independently). Perhaps what you are referring to is that if have both& a stem *and a dot selected (like by selecting a range), then both get flipped? This is kind of a gray area. In some cases MuseScore does try to "do what I mean, not what I say" and not flip both. Conceivably it could do so here as well.

ANyhow, feel free to follow up with more information - like precise steps to reproduce the problem you are referring to - and then we can all collectively decide if some sort of change is warranted.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I mean exactly that the measure is selected and I press X to flip/invert the contents.

My expectation is that if the duration dots have Auto property, then that is retained unless the flipping causes a collision. What seems to be happening is that in non-primary voices, Auto changes to a fixed above/below state (I'm not sure what they're called, there is no name or tooltip in the Properties pane UI for these states).

In reply to by memeweaver

If "X" retained "auto", it would have no effect whatsoever. The whole point of it is to flip the direction of what is selected. So if it's currently above (whether due to that being the auto result or to having been explicitly set to above), the flip changes it to below.

So yes, if a dot is selected (whether as part of a range or as the result of a direct click), then "X" will flip its direction, exactly as it is intended to. Similarly, if you select a dynamic marking or articulations or anything else, it too is flipped, whether you select that marking directly or as part of a range or other selection.

Sounds like perhaps you actually wanted nothing flipped except the stems. In which case, selecting the stems only (e.g., click the first, Shift+click the last) would be the way to do it.

In reply to by memeweaver

It doesn't. Or at least, it shouldn't, but if you see a case where the flip direction command is not working as it should, be sure to report it.

Maybe one point of confusion is, the different meaning of what the auto position is depending on whether a note is on a line or a space, also where multiple voices are present or not and if so, whether the stem is up or down? These all affect the default position of the dot, and hence the behavior of the flip direction command.

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