MuseScore 4: Impossible to copy formatted text from MS4 without its formatting markup tags

• Jan 30, 2023 - 20:29

It's important that users can copy and paste text in and out of MuseScore Text objects. But on MacOS when I paste text from a MuseScore text field (to another app) all the formatting tags are included.

I've attached an example of what I see on pasting outside of MuseScore.

On MacOS I can usually clear formatting with Command-Option-Shift paste. But that doesn't work ... and I don't see any Edit menu option to copy without formatting—and that's not an ideal workaround anyway.


Attachment Size
Screenshot 2023-01-30 at 12.30.10 PM.png 11.32 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

#343953 is something similar I guess, as it pertains to pasting text. Although I had trouble understanding the steps to replicated so I didn't attempt to test with them.


The post here is about pasting text copied from MuseScore's Measure Text TO another app, like a text editor.
That post is about pasting text FROM an external document into MuseScore Lyrics.


Sounds like the other post expresses that its Paste includes unwanted markup tags, parallel to what was stated here.

Underlying issue might be the same, that perhaps MuseScore is using the wrong clipboard data: plain text vs. RTF, vs. HTML, etc.

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