Double dots
Can't find the Double Dot on Musecore 4. Ive tried to follow advice re using Advanced palette but still not sure how to do it. Is there a way to add it to the Note Input Bar?
Can't find the Double Dot on Musecore 4. Ive tried to follow advice re using Advanced palette but still not sure how to do it. Is there a way to add it to the Note Input Bar?
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Click on the gear icon (yellow) for the drop down menu, scroll down to the item "double augmentation dot", click on the closed eye icon (green) to open the eye. Double dot is visible in the top note input bar. Select your note value + the icon (blue)
In reply to Click on the gear icon … by katrina999
Thanks! This worked, just as you described it, except that the gear icon is black, not yellow and the eye icon is black not green. Could this be a mac vs windows difference?
In reply to Thanks! This worked, just… by RichardWBurris
With "green" and "yellow", I meant the colored pens I had used in the screenshots. I circled the icons so you knew where to look and to identify the icons better.
In reply to With "green" and "yellow", I… by katrina999
I apologize. I hadn’t looked at the screen shot, but simply followed your text and it worked just fine.
In reply to Click on the gear icon … by katrina999
Legend! Thank you for explaining this!
In reply to Click on the gear icon … by katrina999
Can't find that on MuseScore 4.
In reply to Can't find that on MuseScore… by Bill_Todd_Jr
Check the 1st reply in this thread, that one is still true, even 2 years later
In reply to Check the 1st reply in this… by Jojo-Schmitz
You are right. I was looking at the wrong Gear Icon.
Thank you.