Problema visual na partitura de bateria

• Jan 22, 2023 - 14:13

Recentemente migrei para a versão 4 do MUSESCORE,

porém venho enfrentando um problema visual nas notas da minha partitura de bateria,
é como se a ultima nota do tempo 1 da semicolcheia ficasse invisível mas existisse ao tocar as notas
em anexo meu arquivo q não aparece a ultima nota do tempo 1 da semicolcheia no MuseScore 4.

aguardo retorno

Attachment Size
mr1.mscz 34.28 KB


For those of us who don't speak Portuguese, here in English (thanks to

Visual problem on drum score

Recently I migrated to MUSESCORE version 4,

but I've been facing a visual problem in my drum score,
it's as if the last note of time 1 [= beat 1?] of the semiquaver was invisible but it exists when playing the notes
I'm attaching my file that doesn't show the last note of time 1 of the sixteenth note in MuseScore 4.

I await return [awaiting a reply?]

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