Next bar, prev bar, next stave, prev stave

• Mar 3, 2023 - 11:34


Please add the following navigation options:

Go to the next bar (Alt + right arrow)
Go to the previous bar (Alt + left arrow)
Go to the next stave (Alt + down arrow)
Go to the previous stave (Alt + up arrow)
Alternatively, please provide these options without shortcuts so that I can assign Ctrl + arrows myself if Alt + arrows are problematic.

When in note input mode, clicking in the score generates a note. To avoid this, I have to type "N," click in the score, and then type "N" again. That's a bit of a burden. Using the built-in shortcuts to navigate requires using Alt + up/down and Ctrl + left/right, which takes a lot of brainpower :-) and is slow in measures with chords because you have to tap repeatedly to move to another stave.

Thank you in advance.


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