Alt. brevis square notehead not working
I can't apply the alt. brevis square notehead neither from the palette nor from the note's properties tab; when I click on it, it is marked as selected but the shape of the note doesn't change. All the other noteheads work correctly.
version 4.0.2-230651553, revision dbe7c6d
Is the note an actual brevis (aka breve, aka double whole notes)? Should work then. But you can't change a quarter note (for example) this way.
In reply to Is the note an actual brevis… by Marc Sabatella
That is really bad. I know a lot of old unmetered vocal music that uses a quadratic brevis or a whole note with lines on either sides as the "note with length as needed by text or accompaniment". And I cannot find a way to write it in MuseScore...
In reply to That is really bad. I know… by lukasrydlo
In a measure containing at least 8 (quarter note) beats, enter note input mode (N). For the note duration, press "8". Then press the note letter you want: A-G. Does that work? It does for me: