Enable playback of all instruments when a measure is selected
In MuseScore 3, you could click the empty space in any measure and press space to play all parts. In MuseScore 4, pressing play with a measure selected singles out that part. To play all parts, you have to click one note or rest in an individual part.
This messes with my workflow because I usually need to hear all parts, and it is much harder to select a note than to select a measure. The new behavior is not useful to me because I almost never need to hear an instrument alone, so it is adding a lot of frustration and wasted time spent clicking the little note heads.
I understand that the new behavior is by design. That said, if this is going to be the default behavior, I would really appreciate a settings toggle to "always play all parts" (regardless of what is selected).
This suggestion has been made in multiple threads -- I am posting it again in hopes that it will get some attention.
I rather like not having to go to the mixer. Besides, if I want to hear all the strings, I can range select them.
In reply to I rather like not having to… by bobjp
That's perfectly fair, I assumed that someone must like this change if they decided on it. Personally, I compose for small groups and for the way I work I need to hear harmonies immediately as I put down each phrase. Users have different needs and that is why I'm advocating for a setting that allows us to optionally use "legacy" style playback if we want.
It's unlikely to ever be a setting to disable the feature because then you lose the ability to get the auto-soloing. What's possible is someday there might be two separate commands - one to always play the full score, one to solo. Or a similar solution that doesn't require giving up functionality.
Meanwhile, another method is to hit Esc after accidentally selecting a measure - it will still start there but will play all instruments. You could also increase the proximity select in Edit / Preferences / Canvas to make it more like you'll succeed in clicking the note. BTW, you can also elect a barline, rehearsal mark, or pretty much anything except a full measure.
In reply to It's unlikely to ever be a… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you for the note proximity workaround. And I agree that having a separate command would be great too.
In reply to It's unlikely to ever be a… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you so much for the ESC work-around...that gets me back up to full-speed operation (ESC+Spacebar for playback from selected measure). Really appreciate the help!
In reply to Thank you so much for the… by nicholasjmaci
Another action that has the exact same effect is to click the measure, then click outside the music: i.e., between systems or in the margins. Click the Play button, or press Space and MuseScore Studio begins playing from that measure you selected.
10000000000% agree. I’m considering to no longer use musescore due to a lot of the changes in 4. This being one of my most frustrating changes. AND the dynamics are plain awful. The piano can’t have two different dynamics, one for treble and bass.
In reply to 10000000000% agree. I’m… by mike6898
Nobody forces you to update to 4.x, 3.6.2 is still available.
In reply to Nobody forces you to update… by Jojo-Schmitz
Simply saying that no one forces you to update, so use an older version is completely useless. Because the fact of the matter is at some point that version will no longer be available. If you are going to have an update, make it more user-friendly, or you will lose users, plain and simple. The purpose of this is not to just tell someone to not update, because that will not be a permanent solution only temporary. The purpose of this is to get a MuseScore developers to make a change that better benefits most people. Hearing one instrument at a time is perfectly fine for some, but having the option to toggle on and off, would have a more widespread positive outcome.
In reply to Simply saying that no one… by mike6898
Nonsense, even MuseScore 1.1 is still available (not sure about older versions)
As long as 3.6.2 fully fits your needs there is no need to update. As long as 4.x does not fit your needs you should not consider updating. Plain and simple.
In reply to Nonsens, even MuseScore 1.1… by Jojo-Schmitz
I have great respect for the MuseScore team making such a quality piece of software. I would rather use the most recent release because I want to use software that's being actively developed and maintained. Telling someone to just use MS3 (and to lose the improvements in engraving, etc) isn't a great solution. The feedback is on the current product, and on what direction MuseScore might take in the future.
I may have been blunt in the post but I hope that my suggestion can be taken in good faith, as a piece of feedback from a longtime MuseScore user. It is up to the dev team whether to act on any of these requests but the purpose is to give some insight as to how people use MS, and ultimately to inform you guys to develop the best app :)
In reply to I have great respect for the… by opterist
The behavior of select a note to get full playback and select a measure to get staff playback, is totally what I am used to, from other software. It was a welcomed improvement. Though I can see why others might not like it. The other software also lets me ctrl select various staves.
In reply to The behavior of select a… by bobjp
I see your point Bob. No reason to take the current functionality away. A settings toggle (with the default being the current behavior) or a second command to play all instruments would be great.
In reply to I see your point Bob. No… by opterist
There are so many differences that I tend to look at MU4 not as an upgrade, but as different software, with some similarities to MU3.
Solution I've found useful:
You'll need to add measure numbers to every measure of the score, then you can click on each one to start the full playback!
In reply to Solution I've found useful:… by Tyler Barns
And a few other things. It doesn't have to be a note that you select to get all instruments to play. It can also be a rest of any kind. You can also select a measure and then left click on a blank area. Then hit play. All instruments play.
Yep, I cannot second this enough. This is immensely unintuitive. I very very often need to go back to measure one and hear ALL instruments in a full score. I very very seldom need to hear one measure. Now I need to find one tiny note and click on that. It needs to be reversed.
In reply to Yep, I cannot second this… by jakerivers24
You wrote:
>Now I need to find one tiny note and click on that.<
From Marc's post above:
"Meanwhile, another method is to hit Esc after accidentally selecting a measure - it will still start there but will play all instruments. You could also increase the proximity select in Edit / Preferences / Canvas to make it more like you'll succeed in clicking the note. BTW, you can also select a barline, rehearsal mark, or pretty much anything except a full measure."