Allow Hidden Rest Default

• May 13, 2023 - 14:51

At the inclusion of new measures, whole rests always appear. Each individual measure seems to need making each individual rest invisible. Two scores I'm working on now have no rests and 1 uses a proportional notation. A nice feature is the ability to make all rests invisible in the "staff/part properties" box. MuseScore already allows us to check boxes for show clef, show time signature, show barline, hide system barline, etc. Sometimes it good to have a "clean sheet of paper". It's tedious to manually make each rest invisible.

Attachment Size
Part 1_Eg.mscz 18.3 KB


You don't have to make each rest invisible manually. Select one rest, right click and select all similar. That selects all rests of that type. I don't have MU3 any more, but I pretty sure that is the procedure.

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