File got corrupted

• Jun 6, 2023 - 15:23

My file suddently got corrupted today and I don't know why. I made it in Musescore 4 on my laptop, and it worked perfectly yesterday. I tried to open the mscx file on Musescore 3 but that didn't work either. I also looked for the automatic backup, and nothing. Is there any way to fix it? And what could have caused this?
Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0

Attachment Size
Seminare.mscz 35.77 KB


> I tried to open the mscx file on Musescore 3 but that didn't work either.
It does not work directly. MuS 4 opens MuS 3 files, but not vice versa.

The mscz file is a packed file, and if you open it with a zip tool (e.g. 7-zip), you will find an mscx file inside.
If there are no major errors, this will open in MuS 3 - usually with loss of text formatting in the title block.

In this case, zipping to mscz with MuS 4 did not work quite correctly, but the mscx can still be extracted.
7-zip reports a header error and some data may have been lost. But fortunately it seems that your score is ok.

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