
• Jun 16, 2023 - 15:23

So the other day someone messaged me and i didnt know that that was even possible. but how do i message someone else?


Click on the user name and check whether there's a Contact button. There is one for me, but not for you, so don't contact others as long as you don't want to be contacted, else they can't respond

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I appreciate you for the help, I also want to know how can I contact someone over here. Thank you sir. I am unable to access the internet or certain user profiles or buttons. Since I didn't know how to correctly format an essay for my MBA application, I looked it up online at site link. If I compose a structured essay and submit it to the institute, they will accept me into the MBA program. I can view the complete list of formatting instructions for an MBA essay here.

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