Small variations between verses

• Jul 7, 2023 - 05:52

Hello folks. I have a problem regarding the accepted conventions of presentation in songwriting.
I don't have a problem with relatively simple works,I have been using MuseScore for several years now.
The current piece that I am working on, however, has revealed a new area of my ignorance.
This song has three verses and a short chorus. no problem usually; A stave of melody with three lines of text below. My problem occurs when the text is a mis-match to the initial melody. Sometimes there is a variation in the number of syllables . Sometimes I want to change the emphasis by altering the rhythmic structure. Short of setting the whole work out in a long, continuous fashion, I'm at a loss as to how it should be presented.
I understand that this is not a specifically MuseScore question, I am hoping that there is someone amongst yo that may be able to put me on the right track.
Good on you all
Peter D


You could either use Ctrl+Space to 'squeeze' 2 syllables under one note, or is 2 tied noes of half the duaration and use a melisma on those verserws that have only one syllable.
Or use (small) notes in another voice

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