Got a midi file. Need to change the notation to half tempo to be able to better read and play on the piano

• Aug 1, 2023 - 00:37

it s about this midi file "Jealous guy" from John Lennon, played like the original recording…

posted on yt by the guy who plays it.

( )

However when I open the midi file it s tempo is 132 (it should be 66)
how can i change the tempo so that the whole notation is transformed to that tempo?

Thank you for any help

Attachment Size
JealousGuyVídeo.mid 12.41 KB


In MuS 3.6.2 there is a checkbox "Halving the measure count" in the Midi import dialog. Check it an apply.
(I don't know how it is realized in MuS 4, but should be there too)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It is the same tempo which is probably correct.
But you get instead of the tempo mark 132 now 66 and all note durations are halved. That's what andreaskren wanted to have. Probably.

The midi import is problematic anyway, especially if the midi file is a recording from a human player.
(Or I'm operating it wrong)

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