Single Note Diminuendo (/crescendo)

• Sep 11, 2023 - 10:57

This may have been answered, if so may you please link to the correct forum? Otherwise, I am unable to create a diminuendo effect with the new musescore 4 (as compared to older versions) on mac. May someone please let me know if you are able to create this effect?


Make sure that you have dynamics at both ends of the hairpin. Musescore needs to know what to dim/cresc. from and to.

It is quite common in published music to have hairpins without associated dynamics at one or both ends and the composer relies on the performers' musical sensibility, which varies from performer to performer, of course. Musescore doesn't have such sensibilities and only does what is specified precisely.

In reply to by SteveBlower

I've been getting success with this method however when I've been wanting to do this multiple times p-->f in a bar with a single note each time, however as I can only put one hairpin in between two notes, I am unable to create this effect as it just uses one dynamic instead of the two (ie p cresc f, p cresc f) rather it sounds like p cresc f into f again, it doesn't play p again. Do you have any tips on this?

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