Horizontal Frame on One Staff Only

• Sep 13, 2023 - 13:11

I'd like to create a horizontal frame that only applies to one staff out of two. The reason is that I want only one measure of a staff in a line, and I want the measure to be short. I'll provide a picture.

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In reply to by Iliya3D

Workaround: notes. In Properties > Note > Head > Appearance, give them appropriate X-offsets.
Create staf text 1: Insert special character > Musical symbols > Barlines. Adjust Text size and position.
Create staf text 2: a dot, text size 1. In Properties > Text > More set Frame to rectangular.Set Border color to white. Adjust thickness (see white rectangular in image above) and position.
Edit 1: attach both texts to the last 'ossia note'. Edit 2: dot = period.

In reply to by [DELETED] 135427

This seems to be the optimal situation for now with first note in 'ossia staff' maximal to the left.
Original Time Sig repeated in measure 2, set invisible and deleted in m 1. Time Sig as text added in m 1.
As font for the time sig I had to use an alternative, in this case good old Sonata.
Unfortunately there seems to be a bug when inserting special character 'Time Signatures': it doesn't show on my Win 11 system.

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