MU 4.1 and MU 4.0.2 Crash on Measure properties shortcut if applied on note
Assign a shortcut to Measure properties, e.g. Ctrl + Alt + M
Select a note. Apply shortcut. Crash.
Please confirm.
MU 4.0.2 and MuseScoreNightly-231770501-4.1.0-fcaa649-x86_64
Win 11 - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor - AMD RAdeon RX 6700 XT
Doing the same with Staff/Part properties: no problem.
I can't reproduce. But for me the Measure Properties Dialog doesn't show at all either
Same crash still occurs in MuseScore 4.1.1 as well.
Assign a shortcut, select the first note of a measure and 'MuseScore quits unexpectedly.'
Please confirm.
In reply to Same crash still occurs in… by [DELETED] 135427
Confirm. Please report here
In reply to Confirm. Please report here… by ytsejam
Issue created on
In reply to Issue created on https:/… by [DELETED] 135427
I guess I don't understand why you would select a note and then measure properties.
In reply to I guess I don't understand… by bobjp
See my first post. Assign a shortcut to Staff/Part properties. E.g. Ctrl+Shift+P.
Select a note. Press Ctrl+Shift+P. The window appears. But not so for Measure properties.
IMO it is sound practice to report a crash when it occurs. Not avoiding what someone could call niche cases.
The aim of a shortcut is a faster workflow. In this case no need to select a measure first.
In reply to See my first post. Assign a… by [DELETED] 135427
Maybe. But consider that the instructions for both staff and measure properties don't mention selecting a note. So on a certain level, you're asking MuseScore to do something it was never intended to do. Maybe this needs to be fixed. Maybe it doesn't. To me, there are far more important things that need to be worked on then this possibly niche crash.
In reply to Maybe. But consider that the… by bobjp
On… we can see which priority label the development team will assign to a crash.
In reply to On… by [DELETED] 135427
I'm only wondering if you want to modify a measure, why you would select a note and not the measure. Did this work in a previous version?
In reply to I'm only wondering if you… by bobjp
Both shortcuts did not exist prior to MU4. Both shortcuts work in MU4 if you first select a measure.
In the handbook on and there is no mention at all that shortcuts exist for these functions. So extra - and appreciated ! - new functionality for staff/part properties where selecting a note suffices. This creates expectations for analogous behavior in measure properties, but no: crash.
No warning message 'Select a measure first.' I'm wondering: why not simply appreciate new functionality which introduces faster ways possibly deviating from ingrained habits?
In reply to Both shortcuts did not exist… by [DELETED] 135427
My problem is that I'm a mouser. Because of that, a shortcut to measure properties is not any faster. I would have to select the note (or measure) with my mouse. Then move both hands to position to use the short cut. Then move back to the mouse to continue. Using the procedure from the manual, (and because I use a trackball mouse) I don't move either hand anywhere.
Of course there's no warning. That's why it's called a crash. Something the software can't handle has happened.
I'm not saying these shortcuts aren't useful. Great. I'm all for improved function. As far as 'ingrained habits' are concerned, I seldom use staff or measure properties, anyway. There are plenty of improvements in MU4 to which I quickly adapted.
In reply to My problem is that I'm a… by bobjp
Believe it or not, I really don't have a problem with you wanting this shortcut to work. This is interesting to me. And a good workout for my old brain.
It seems like the fact that your shortcut works for staff properties is more a loophole in the programing. What is the same is that the way the program is intended to work, you can't select a note to access either staff or measure properties. And why would you? Notes are a completely different ballgame.