Lyric position

• Oct 25, 2023 - 04:59

SATB and Piano score. Bass staff has a baritone line in one section singing different lyrics from the low bass. What is the process to enter the baritone lyrics above the staff (and the bass lyrics as normal, below)? And also not to collide with the tenor lyrics that are below it's staff.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you, the properties panel works. If I select a note, press Ctrl-L to enter lyrics mode and press X it only types the letter X as the word. Is there a different order of key presses I need to do?
Supplemental question. I need to enter the phrase "Clara y sonora" in a 5 note sequence so it would look like this: cla - ra y so - no - ra. How to put a space between ra and y so those are placed on a single note with out moving to the next note?

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