In Musescore 4.1 the background and paper wallpapers get changed to default everytime I reopen the app
The title says it all. Please rectify this error. Otherwise, this feature serves no purpose.
The title says it all. Please rectify this error. Otherwise, this feature serves no purpose.
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IIRC a known issue, might be fixed in the nighly builds aleady
In reply to IIRC a known issue, might be… by Jojo-Schmitz
sorry did not follow. what do you mean by IIRC? will the error be fixed in next update?
In reply to sorry did not follow. what… by KumarjitDey
If I Remember Correctly...
See, will be fixed in 4.2
In reply to See… by Jojo-Schmitz
ok. i am glad it has been fixed. just another question related to this... will it is possible add different pictures to different sheets of music? or is it once a wallpaper applied it is to be the same all the sheets?
In reply to ok. i am glad it has been… by KumarjitDey
You mean different wallpapers for different pages of the same score? I don't think so, it wouldn't be a wallpaper then
In reply to You mean different… by Jojo-Schmitz
no sir not the same score. different music i meant , different projects
In reply to no sir not the same score… by KumarjitDey
Is the wallpaper part of the score in the first place and not just visible on screen?
Another issue related to this.. I would like to point out is that, if a dark wallpapaer is selected , i think an option in the settings to invert the black colors of the notes, staves and everything to white would be a nice idea, pfa