Notes displaced on the right

• Nov 20, 2023 - 13:09


So somehow accidentally I ended up with what you see in the picture.

This was (and hopefully you will help be ,make it be again) like this:
the F# note in the first measure should be an quarter note, followed by the note A (that now is on the 5th measure) as a quarter note also, then followed by the g-f#-f-d# as eight notes, then an e half note, etc.

To frame it differently, all the pitches are correct but they have been moved 4 measures minus an eight note later. And this carries on for 9 pages. Is there a solution?

Attachment Size
Screenshot (251).png 41.35 KB


  • Delete the notes in measures 1-4 (as far as I understand, they are wrong).
  • Write your quarter note F# in measure 1 / beat 1
  • Select all the notes from measure 5 to the end, cut and paste them on beat 2 after the new F# in measure 1.

If I didn't understand your proplem, make a picture of these measures how it should be. I have a bit a problem understanding "minus an eighth note later" ...

To get an idea of what has happened, it is best to attach at least one page of your score.
Have you used the insert mode?

In reply to by HildeK

Hey, thanks a lot.

I tried what you said, my problem is twofold:
1. I want the note values and placement on the beat to be as seen on the screenshot below (I think it is easier for me to show than to explain in words)

2.that when I copy and paste the notes I also copy and paste the chords, is there a way to leave the chords where they are?

Attachment Size
Screenshot (252).png 21.46 KB

In reply to by kostas1zyr

Use the selection filter and deactivate the "Chord symbols" option. Select the measures. The chord symbols will not be copied and the existing chord symbols will not be overwritten when the notes are pasted to another position.
Don't forget to select 'All' again in the selection filter afterwards.

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