Musescore crashes when a page appears

• Jan 9, 2024 - 22:53

I've imported a Musescore 3 file into Musescore 4 for the first time, and allowed it to update the new engraving etc. When I move through the pages of the score (either by moving the pages along, following along a part with the arrow keys or using playback) as I get to the fourth page, Musescore crashes. Every time. I can't even see what's on that page that may be causing the problem. (I think there's a first/second time bar - might be that??)

I have jumped to the end of the score using the END key, and moved backwards through the score - it only appears to be one page that's causing a problem.

Any thoughts? Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere - couldn't find it on the forum.



In reply to by keenetw

You could save the file as uncompressed ms file and modify all items manually......

Another option is exporting to xml and re-open but not sure how that would effect the parts.

Attached the modified file from which I removed the articulation which were attached to a barline. Just in case it helps you out.

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