Bar numbers start at zero not one

• Jan 12, 2024 - 23:08

In Musescore 4 v 4.2.0233521125 bars numbers start at zero. Looks like a bug


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I attach the score. It happened when reading from an original mxl file, which presumably had something making the score start from bar zero; it doesn't happen with most mxl files that I have imported into MS. I have found a workaround - copy first bar(s), delete first bar(s), select the new first bar(s), insert a bar before the selection, then paste into the new first bar; MS will then mark this correctly as bar 1.

Attachment Size
Nolo_mortem_peccatoris_Morley.mscz 74.67 KB

In reply to by gandmthomas

Select the 1st bar (any stave, no need to select the whole system)
Insert a bar before it (no copy or delete)
Right-click on the 2nd bar (the original 1st bar), choose Bar properties and correct the "Add to bar number" value to 0.
Delete the empty 1st bar (no need to paste anything)

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