When I import a piano score into the program, it automatically interpreted as a vocal line with several voice parts instead of the right hand chords and the left-hand chords

• Jan 24, 2024 - 20:36

This creates the problem of unnecessary rests that will not delete because the program is trying to fill the number of beats per measure for each vocal line instead of looking at it as individual notes that the right hand of a piano is playing throughout the measure.

How can I get the program to interpret a piano right hand as that and not create multiple vocal lines with unnecessary and unerasable rests within the measure?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It happens both when I import a xml file and when I import a pdf. Here is an xml. Its a vocal and piano piece. You'll notice that the phenomenon in my question is happening all over the place but there are also "ghost rests" that don't budge. The only way I've managed to get around this problem is to manipulate the notes of voice 1 or 2 so that the unnecessary rest is dealt away. I'll divide the notes in the measure out in such a way that, if the program insists on dividing the activity of the measure into two voice parts, I make sure that those voice parts don't contain rests. This is not ideal because the stems of each hand of the piano rend up going all over the place. As for the ghost rests, the only thing I've been able to figure out is to recreate the measure in question manually and then delete the bar.

Attachment Size
15ANotWhileImAround.xml 247.76 KB

In reply to by misterhyjinx

Of course, you can get around this quirk. I reconstructed the measure making sure to assign the top quarter note in beat three to voice one so that the program isn't compelled to add any immovable rests. (I posted this work-around below.) It's just that this program is so good, it would be awesome if this little annoying obstacle could be worked around besides doing it the hard way.

Attachment Size
Image.pdf 431.91 KB

In reply to by misterhyjinx

I think to be able to help more, we need a page of the original format of this piece. If it is sheet music, we need a good scan. If it is a PDF already, we need a page of that. This will help find where the breakdown is. I notice that key signatures aren't the same.

In reply to by misterhyjinx

Some observations. I don't know if they are helpful, or not.

The PDF you posted has your markings all over it. When I loaded into my reader, I had to make many corrections because of them. My reader also tried to make sense of the notation and assigned voices to some of the notes that weren't correct. After awhile I got a file that mostly looked like the your PDF. I exported as xml and opened in MU4. It looked pretty much like the your PFD. Then I exported a PDF of the page and had MU4 import that same PDF. For the most part, it looked just like my other versions. Nothing like your xml.

So where is the breakdown? I did not experience MU4 trying to improperly assign notes to voices like your xml. I suspect that things like chord symbols and lyrics, arpeggios, and any number of other markings can confuse a reader.

I'd be interested in knowing what would happen with a clean copy of that page. Try it. Good luck.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

In all honesty, this happens every time I work on a score. The music that I shared is just the most recent chart. And it happens whether there are markings, written or printed, or not. It happens so often that I finally decided to Post about it in this forum. You're saying that you have never had this problem before and that this is the first time you've encountered this issue? That is very interesting…

In reply to by misterhyjinx

So I have only looked at the one page, but I have found PDF imports to really have problems if the number of staves changes. Say a score that begins with a piano intro, adds two staves for SA and TB, then divides into a 4 part SATB, back to a piano interlude, etc. I haven't figured out how to handle those kinds of imports. I wonder if your problematic imports have that kind of complexity?

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