Musescore 3.7 Evolution: pedal line
Musescore 3.x is the only one that has support for sfz files either through zerbeus or through jack connections.
There are some piano sfz files out there that have separate files with samples with and without pedal (consequently with and without sympathetic resonance). Often such sfz files respond to CC 64, sustain pedal, to switch between with or without pedal.
I experimented some of these and noticed that whenever a pedal line was added, the first note or chord within the pedal line was played using the samples without pedal and only from the following notes on the pedal on samples were activated. I tried it in built-in zerbeus, through jack midi output and exporting midi and the results were always the same. Then I exported midi files and opened in midi editors. I found out that the cause is that wherever we draw a pedal line in musescore, the CC64 event is activated few milliseconds AFTER the note to which it was tied. That makes that note be played with CC64 off and therefore pedal off in sfz that depend on it.
Is it possible to correct such behavior in a way that when we draw a pedal line in the score the CC64 midi event occurs BEFORE the note where it was tied to?
in rendermidi.cpp I see:
Do you mean it might help swapping the order here?
In reply to in rendermidi.cpp I see: … by Jojo-Schmitz
Unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out what everything in this code means. I imagine that swapping the order may help.
I can tell you how to reproduce what I described above so that you can try if changes in code work:
1 - Write a simple score and at some point draw a sustain pedal line.
2 - Export as midi.
3 - Use a midi editor that displays midi events list like synthfont, muse, the old midi locator etc.
4 - Observe that currently the CC64 event will appear some few midi ticks later than the exact beginning of that the first note where you placed the line.
So if your changes in code succeed it should appear at exactly the same midi tick where the first note to which the pedal is tied. I believe that if CC64 appears at the same midi tick as the note (regardless of being listed above or below it in the event list) it will produce the desired result. But the issue is that currently it appears few midi thicks later.
This situation can be seen in exported midi files, but it also reflects in Musescore real-time performance, either through zerbeus or through jack midi output.
In reply to Unfortunately I wasn't able… by fernandoamartin
I'm suspicious about those
"+ 2"
there?In reply to Hmm... … by Jojo-Schmitz
They are really very suspicious because they have several mentions of tick offsets.
Starting the pedal few ticks after the note kills the realism of resonance samples.
In reply to Hmm... … by Jojo-Schmitz
Look at this image. What is happening is that CC64 was placed exactly 2 ticks after the first note of measure 2.
Probably you found the culprit. If you build a correction, please, let me know for me to test it.
In reply to Look at this image. What is… by fernandoamartin
Which Operating System?
See and the CI artifacts, you'd need an account on GitHub to see and download them
In reply to Which Operating System? See… by Jojo-Schmitz was supposed to fix an "overlap" pedal issue back in 2014, so be careful, fwiw. Who knows, though? Conversation which led to that apparently was here:
In reply to… by worldwideweary
Now the CC64 appears at the same tick of the note. A nice progress. But unfortunately for automatized behavior with sfz files the simple fct that CC64 appears in the list after the note makes the switch in sound occur after the note. (I tested it in Musescore built-in Zerbeus synth.)
Is it possible to make the CC64 appear before the note in the event list?
In reply to Now the CC64 appears at the… by fernandoamartin
Try the next iteration of that PR, once it finished to build
In reply to Try the next iteration of… by Jojo-Schmitz
I tried using the file below and the sfz I sent you in github. Using Zerbeus in Musescore worked correctly at the beginning of the pedal line and the first note of measure 3 alerady started with program changed. However the pedal ended late. Instead of ending at the last tick of measure 3 it ended at the first tick of measure 4.
In reply to I tried using the file below… by fernandoamartin
Looking at an exported midi CC64 still appears below the first note, but as I told you above it already sounds correctly in Musescore. However as shown in the picture CC64 ended in the next measure.
In reply to Now the CC64 appears at the… by fernandoamartin
But for the Breath controller the order works as is?
In reply to But for the Breath… by Jojo-Schmitz
I can't test breath controller because I don't have any software that uses it. MU inserts breath controllers at every measure unnecessarily. For me it looks like a code pollution that remained there with no real utility. But I don't know if there's a reason to be so.
In reply to I can't test breath… by fernandoamartin
Ah, I think MuseScore uses the breath controller for single note dynamics
In reply to… by worldwideweary
As far as I understood that was about overlapping of pedal lines and that is covered by adding some offset to their ends, but here it is about the offset at the start.
I may completly missunderstand this though
In reply to As far as I understood that… by Jojo-Schmitz
Sure, it's just that the "fix" mentioned put in the + 2 and a + 1 it looks like:
Maybe I'm trippin'. Good luck though. Hopefully it gets resolved
In reply to Sure, it's just that the … by worldwideweary
Maybe a negative offset for the pedal ends helps there?
In reply to Maybe a negative offset for… by Jojo-Schmitz
On the side, there's the MScore::pedalEventsMinTicks
using the number 2 again. Not sure if that is important... like why is it using 2 also?
and it was used in the statement:
In reply to Also notice that there's the… by worldwideweary
Yeah, confusing and uncommented use of magic numbers
In reply to Maybe a negative offset for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Musescore is relatively old. I guess they originally designed it imagining that a pianist would hit the keys and press the pedal few milliseconds later. (Or maybe it was just a mistake.) But if a pianist wants to emphasize an isolate chord or isolated notes he must press the pedal few milliseconds before the hitting the keys in order that it vibrates with resonances. And this last possibility is what works better with today's software that have resonance samples.
I tested the build 8bb315f that was generated today and now we have a new bug. As seen at the image here CC64 is start 2 ticks after the note but it's ending probably 2 ticks later too. It was intended to stop at the end of measure 2. Instead the CC64 was turned off 1 tick after the first note of measure 3.
Can you revert the part of the code related to the pedal line to the way it was before we started this issue? (Builds from two days ago were not affected by this change.)
Having not found a suitable solution I suggest the workaround that I have been using until now and then we can live with it:
1 - Create an instrument xml with a customized piano that has two presets.
2 - Configure the sf2 or sfz file to have two separate presets, one with and other without resonance.
3 - When writing the score use staff text to switch between the two presets of item 2 here.
4 - Staff text can be copied and pasted or even added to a custom pallete to make their usage faster.
Result: Every pedal start and end we have to manually change the preset (a little more laborious but it works). We can't rely on CC64 to automatically change the used samples. In ther old code the end of pedalc line places CC64 at the right place, without invading the next measure. So if you bring back the old code we can workaround it in this longer way until we find a suitable solution someday.
In reply to I tested the build 8bb315f… by fernandoamartin
No, we have back the old one, as that build is from/for another PR, not the one for this PR
In reply to No, we have back the old one… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for your attention and help.
In reply to No, we have back the old one… by Jojo-Schmitz
Look! At build 0931d43 it's perfect now, both in zerbeus and at midi export. Thank you very much.
It is indeed true that in most real world situations, pianists do press the pedal after the note. So moving it before would not normally be appropriate. What makes more sense is to have a property that could be set to alter this for some given pedal line, so that one desires these special resonance effects and is using a device that doesn't understand that resonance should apply to notes already sounding, you have a workaround.
But mostly this sounds like a bug in the device in question. It should recognize the pedal has been depressed and alter the sound of the already-playing notes accordingly. Granted, easier said than done.
In reply to It is indeed true that in… by Marc Sabatella
I understand this possibility in real world. But Musescore is a software and it doesn't make sense in the realm of software for two reasons:
1. If pedal is activated after the note the sample without resonance was already played. You would need a high tech modeled resonance and software to activate a resonance after the note started to play. That doesn't work in some current formats, including sfz.
2. Turning off the pedal two ticks after the note ends makes all the notes that are already playing linger above the next chord. Imagine if you have a contemporary progression from C to C#. You draw pedal lime below notes in the C harmony and other pedal line below notes of the C# harmony. But currently CC64 would finish at the first note of C# harmony piling up a lot of dissonant notes. Most pianists use the pedal according to harmony changes, not after the changes to pile up dissonances.
(Understanding the two thicks issue allowed me to understand why some pieces I wrote, when played in modeled pianos like pianoteq and 4front truepianos, were piling up so many dissonant resonances while I was sure that I had finished the pedal line at the end of the previous chord.)
(duplicate deleted)
I think that moving a pedal start from little after the note/chord to little before the note/chord is not a good idea. Pianists do press pedal slightly after the note/chord. Also I'm sure that a high quality digital piano very well emulates the way the real piano sounds when it's played by a real pianist. And that is how it should be. So when MIDI data is recorded while pianist plays digital piano, the pedal start is recorded little after note/chord, not before. The same happens when this MIDI data is played back again on digital piano.
If there is a special need then it should be solved on a special way. Perhaps the most flexible way would be to have parameters in software: pedal start delay and pedal end delay, positive or negative numbers.
In reply to I think that moving a pedal… by hstanekovic
My PR is not moving it before the note, but on the same tick as the note on event
In reply to I think that moving a pedal… by hstanekovic
Isn't the Advanced Preference in MS3.6.2 "io/PedalEvents/minTicks" for this very purpose as a program-wide control for the user? Looks like it can be +/-. Fixed the problem for instance of a stuck pedal in PianoTeq playback if using a positive value.
In reply to Isn't the Advanced… by worldwideweary
Yes, seems without my PR setting it to 3 should result in the Pedal to start 1 tick before the note (2 - 3 == -1), with the 2nd change of my PR, to write the pedal event before the note event, a 2 would be sufficient for the case at hand (2 - 2 == 0) here.
Default seems to to be 1, so pedal starts 1 tick afer the note
Why, oh why didn't I see this???
For Mu4 that would require that constant to be made available via an (advanced) prereferences, as that seems to have gotten lost in the transit
In reply to Isn't the Advanced… by worldwideweary
@fernandoamartin can you please test this, in 3.6.2 or the latest 3.7 build (not the one for that PR)?
In reply to @fernandoamartin can you… by Jojo-Schmitz
I tested in your latest build and no matter what I adjust in io/midi/pedaleventsminticks pedal always starts 2 ticks after the note. But worse than this is that it also ends 2 ticks after the note end, what makes it finish when the next chord is already on.
Maybe I didn't make the point clear above and what is being mostly discussed above is the pedal start. But image the mess it creates because the pedal ends 2 ticks after the not finished.
In reply to I tested in your latest… by fernandoamartin
OK, next attempt, try the PR's artifact (as soon as the build finished), the line I changed now is the only one that explains a 2 tick offset, the others would only explain a (default) 1 tick offset, 2 - pedaleventsminticks
In reply to OK, next attempt, try the PR… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm going to describe the curious results below with your latest build:
In reply to I'm going to describe the… by fernandoamartin
No changes in config. pedal starts and ends 2 ticks later.
In reply to No changes in config. pedal… by fernandoamartin
Setting io/midi/pedaleventsminticks to 0:
pedal starts 3 ticks later and ends 2 ticks later.
In reply to Setting io/midi… by fernandoamartin
Setting io/midi/pedaleventsminticks to 3.
Pedal starts at the same tick as the note and ends when the note is off.
That was the best result because pedal doesn't linger above the next chord anymore.
The strange thing is that io/midi/pedaleventsminticks has to be increased to reduce the ticks.
Here the pedal is still listed as a midi event after the note but at the same tick. However I don't think it's a big issue because if a pick software doesn't launch resonance due to it it won't be as noticeable as a pedal being still on over the next chord.
In reply to Setting io/midi… by fernandoamartin
Will you keep it this way, that doesn't harm another users, in the main code? Or is it just a test by now?
In reply to Will you keep it this way,… by fernandoamartin
For now it is just a test, I'll do the same for Mu4 and see with they say to that. It is much leaner, much less likely to cause any issues, so might pass.
It is actually very lean for Mu3, less so for Mu4, as that advanced pref needs to get reimplemented first.
In reply to For not it is just a test, I… by Jojo-Schmitz
Where can I get notified if it is accepted and become part of the main branch?
In reply to Where can I get notified if… by fernandoamartin
Subscribe to the PR in GitHub
In reply to Subscribe to the PR in GitHub by Jojo-Schmitz
Can you give me the link, please?
In reply to Can you give me the link,… by fernandoamartin
In reply to I tested in your latest… by fernandoamartin
> But image the mess it creates because the pedal ends 2 ticks after the note finished
Well, when a real pianists plays a real piano (or similarly when I play my cabinet digital piano), it is like that: a moment after releasing the previous chord and playing the next chord (pressing the keys), you release and then again press the pedal. So I think actually it's ok that pedal stop is 1 or 2 ticks after the previous chord was finished. Perhaps then, a pedal start should be 1 TICK AFTER a pedal stop, to ensure that the next pedal start happens after the previous pedal stop (when they are on the same chord). This is how real piano is played and how it sounds good. Generally speaking, digital instruments should emulate this as faithfully as they can and not only sound good if you play the pedal in some customized way.
Maybe you do not know but when you look at my digital piano (or any good quality digital piano) MIDI recording, you can see that it records the movement of the pedal smoothly (as a curve) and not simplified as a switch ON/OFF. Also a good (or top) quality digital piano renders sound of a half pedal different than a full pedal.
Of course, exposing advanced settings for users is very welcome (even 2 separate settings: one for pedal start delay and one for pedal stop delay, both +/-)
In reply to > But image the mess it… by hstanekovic
Having different settings for pedal start and end would be great.
I believe that it makes sense for a pianist to release the pedal slightly after the end of the note. But this is because he can also create a slight gap between the notes. Musescore also creates slight gaps between notes bit the ticks are not falling there. And midi language is a set of events that are converted to sound. One tick earlier or later can make an event fall in the wrong place.
In reply to Having different settings… by fernandoamartin
> I believe that it makes sense for a pianist to release the pedal slightly after the end of the note. But this is because he can also create a slight gap between the notes.
Yes this is a way to achieve a perfect legato on piano. I should say that before, because if you do not want a perfect legato then this is not a way to do it.
The other problem in MuseScore (naturally occurring in any music notation software) is that you can put events only on note positions (unlike DAW software where you can put them at any moment of time). So in MuseScore, if you want to to end a pedal, for instance, a sixteenth before it's written, you have to enter a hidden sixteenth rest in a new voice and position pedal end on it. It would be great to be able to move playback of pedal (and perhaps some other symbols like crescendo) on any rhythmical position relative to the note they are attached to. Like note position + 1/16 + 1/32 (user should be able to enter "+1/16+1/32" or any other expression using fractions and MusesScore can evaluate this expressions).
In reply to > I believe that it makes… by hstanekovic
There are some symbols that have properties that allow something like that. For example the arpeggio allows fine control on how it will be played. The piano roll also allows some degree of fine control. What would be great was if we could do it to tbe playback any other symbol, like the pedal and if we could insert other customized midi controllers besides CC 64.
Unfortunately in MU4 they are removing many more customizable options that were available in MU3. My hope would be if Jojo had the time to add changes like that to his MU evolution fork.
In reply to There are some symbols that… by fernandoamartin
Yes, I expected too that MS4 will address such things (matters of fine tuning of the playback) but it went in another direction (orchestral).
Also, I would like to see an ability to select a segment of music and then open its "playback only" equivalent, shown like empty ossia staves where you can write how you want to play things exactly. For instance, you could use complex rhythms to write down exactly how you want to play your arpeggio from slower to faster or with a first note accented etc. (or any other fine details which would result in a too complex/unreadable score). And that in any moment you could show or hide this "playback only" with a single click. Perhaps something like that can already be done, only not in a so convenient way. I should find some time to check this.
In reply to Yes, I expected too that MS4… by hstanekovic
Few options for this now:
1 - Wait that in a distant future, maybe MU5 or MU6 they implement it.
2 - Export your score and adjust it all in a DAW.
3 - Save your readable score, create a copy of it and and make all the fine interpretations adjustments by hand in a playable score.