Remove indent

• Mar 28, 2024 - 22:28

I can't remove the indent at the beginning of my piece. I've unchecked the box as I would on 3.6 Musescore, but here nothing happens. I've tried resetting the indent to 0 in the value box but that didn't work either. I have just updated from 3.6 and am beginning to wish I hadn't. My template is for solo voice and I am trying to create an exercise sheet so the indent is just a nuisance.


I'm having the opposite problem of what most of the posters have. I used "the checkbox" to un-indent the first system just fine. It's ALL THE OTHER systems that I can't figure out how to unindent. My margins are wide and I don't see any horizontal frames, nor do I see any relevant settings, so I'm a bit stumped.

I'm sure you experts know what I'm missing, though! :-)

Attachment Size
Run To You - Synth.mscz 32.88 KB

In reply to by reggoboy

Usually not a good idea to add a new, different problem at the end of an old thread. The people who looked at it before *know* that it's resolved, and thus, are unlikely to come back in and look at it again. I recommend starting a new thread. Be sure to include the score, as you did here.

(I looked at it, but didn't see anything unusual. Hopefully someone else can find whatever I'm missing :-)

In reply to by TheHutch

“ Usually not a good idea to add a new, different problem at the end of an old thread.”

This is an extremely fresh thread (I’ve benefited from one’s 10 years old), and my problem is also about “removing an indent”.

I find it much less productive to have 50 separate threads discussing the same or very similar issues that I then have to sift through for answers. Plus, there’s a good chance that such threads already have the attention of the people interested in and knowledgeable about the topic, rather than starting from ground zero. I find it sloppy to clutter the forums with nearly duplicate threads.

Anyway, thanks for looking it over.

In reply to by carriesigmund

What version of V3 are you running?
Check in menu Help / About

EDIT: for the record, this option was introduced in version 3.6, I quote the handbook: Enable indentation on first system: This option enables indentation; also for setting the indentation distance (as of 3.6).
So I guess you have just to update :)

In 3.6.2, see:


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