Instrument solo - hiding staves

• May 11, 2024 - 18:16

Hello everyone,

I've searched the forum and a handbook but couldn't find the answer to my question. I have an orchestra score for a piano concerto, and there's a section where the piano plays a solo. In the score, I see the piano part with empty staves for other instruments. I want to display only the piano like we see it in a part during this solo section without hiding the empty staves for the entire score.

Is there a way to show only the piano during the solo section while maintaining bar tracking for the other instruments, and then show the instruments again after the solo ends?

Thank you for any assistance or suggestions.


In reply to by iivtavi

It is hidden in the entire score. There is no direct way (AFAIK) to hide it in just one section.

But there is a workaround. Use the command, but first place a staff text with a space in one of the bars of a staff that you do not want to hide. You have to do this for each instrument.
If you want to hide the measure later, simply select the measure and press DEL. The invisible space in the staff text will then also be deleted.
It does not work with lyrics and you cannot use a staff text other than blanks and hide the letters.

Or format the notes so that there is never a whole staff of rests. Where this is not possible, insert the staff text as described.

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