Best Practice for Arpeggio and multiple voices

• May 18, 2024 - 12:45

I have a rather simple piano notation that should look like this:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-18 um 13.18.54.png

To achieve this the process was rather complex and I needed 3 voices with indiviudal settings for visibility and playback:
- When I just use 2 voices I can't get the arpeggio to work:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-18 um 13.30.51.png

  • so I need to use voice 1 for the arpeggio and voice 2 for the whole note. and disable visibility for the lower note in the first voice. but then the stem can only be disabled completely.

    Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-18 um 13.31.47.png

  • to "fix" that i have to add a third voice in order to get the stem only visible for the upper note.
    Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-18 um 13.44.17.png

Playback is still a bit problematic with that approach.

Is there an easier way to do something like that? Any suggestions?

Attachment Size
Test.mscz 17.63 KB


Use an invisible whole note C, turn off play on the dotted quarter note? Might not sound precisely the same but at normal playback speed I can't hear a huge difference.

Attachment Size
Test_0.mscz 19.71 KB
  • Add an arpeggio to just the top voice (the C in the first bar, for example)
  • Select the bottom handle of the arpeggio and press Shift + down arrow

(You can do it the other way round - add it to the E then press Shift + up; Shift + up/down basically moves whichever end of the arpeggio you have selected to the next voice above or below). See the handbook.


This solves the engraving problem, but I don't believe proper playback is implemented yet.

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