Screen still casscading during use

• May 24, 2024 - 13:58

I have had issues everytime I sign into MuseScore 4/Studio. The screen starts cascading while working on a piece of music or when setting idle. You can't do anything until you move your cursor to the bottom of the screen to stop this. Unfortunately, I spend more time doing this than writing music.

If you have two pieces open at the same time and one of the pieces freezes/casscades, it causing the other document to casscade/freeze as well.

This seems to be getting worse not better. Is there is work-around for this or is there works in progress to stop this issue? I have attached a photo of this issue.

Attachment Size
Casscading Screen.jpg 88.11 KB


I still have not had a response to my issue. This is getting so bad that I can't work on any song that I load and work on. It is constantly cascading and freezing that it locks me out and I have to move the curse to the navigation ares to release it. The cascading returns after about 3-5 seconds after releasing it. HELP NEEDED PLEASE!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm not sure how to send you a copy of my score, the minute you touch the mouse the cascading issue goes away. This issue is on every single score I have done since MuseScore 4 and Studio. I have updated everything I can update on my computer without much success. Any suggestion are very muchly appreciated. I really like MuseScore, but find this issue is slowing down production and especially when two scores are open at the same time.

In reply to by tlstuart27

It works fine for me. This points to something in your system or score. Screen resolution, perhaps.
Along shot might be MU4 being confused by your fermatas all being the same percentage. An 8th note held 200% against a quarter note at 200%, and so on. Or a pause in the manuals but not the pedal. Or things like measure 107 having only 2 beats in the upper staff. I know many of these aren't much of a problem for a real player. But MU4 can't always sort them out.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Found a work around for this issue. I am using extend monitor and making it the primary screen instead of my laptop screen. I am then using full view during my sessions in MuseScore Studio. The only problem is having two documents open at the same time, but I will deal with that.


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