Musescore opens to a blank screen

• Jun 7, 2024 - 19:24

I have the most recent download of 4.3.1. Running on Windows 11 Home, v. 22H2. A weird thing started happening yesterday. When I first started using the app in the morning, it behaved as always, opening either to the Scores page if I clicked the icon in the tray, or to the score I dbl-clicked in Explorer. Then, since mid morning yesterday, when I open the app either way, I get a blank white window (scr shot attached). If I click the tray icon so that the window minimizes, and click again, the expected window appears. No idea what might have changed. Anybody else get this behavior?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-06-07 111942.png 90.6 KB


Thank you for this tip! I've just downloaded and installed 4.3.2 and I got the same behaviour. Following your tip, I clicked the minimise button in the top right of the window and then maximised again by clicking the taskbar icon and the MuseScore returned to normal. I hope the team manage to track down the bug, but thanks to you, I'm back in business.

In reply to by David Mann

David - Thanks for the feedback. This issue has been a head-scratcher. Let me describe my setup. I run on a Windows 11 Home laptop, with a cheap external monitor connected with an HDMI adapter to its regular monitor input. The desktop is extended to the left of the laptop so I can drag stuff there for reference, and work on the laptop's internal screen. Normally, I open a pdf of a manuscript and drag it to the left, then open Musescore on the laptop screen and work directly in front of me.

Here is the new chapter: Until 5 mins ago, it was behaving as I described. Open the app; blank window appears; minimize, maximize; normal operation resumes.

As it happened, I had a score open in front of me and decided I needed to compare it with another score I had transcribed a while ago. I opened that score, usual min/max rigamarole, then I dragged it to the external monitor and maximized it. I did not notice that the upper right Window controls had disappeared, but I've seen that behavior before; that seems to be what led to the weird min/max thing.

I worked for a while on the laptop screen, and used the upper right Close control to close the score. That left the older score maximized on the external monitor with no controls, and the drag bar not responding. I closed the app using the X control on the tray icon, but when I opened it again, the app remembered that it had last been on the external monitor. Didn't matter if I opened the score I was just working on or anything else, it opened on the external, without window controls.

Thrashing about to get something to work, I first turned the external monitor off, which pushed the Window to my laptop. But when I switched it back on, the Window snapped right back. Clearly, the laptop knew the monitor was still there, via the plug. I pulled the HDMI plug, which shot the Window back to the laptop where it now showed the size controls, but they didn't respond. Rrrrrrr. But the drag control did work, and the app sprang into the middle of the small desktop. I was able to close it with the Close control.

Not trusting it any further than I could throw it, I opened the app using the tray icon, and the app appeared on the Scores page as it always used to. I plugged the monitor back in. The image on the laptop jumped, as it does when it recognizes a new device. Ever since (it's been a lot more than 5 min now), the app opens normally, without the blank window, both from the tray icon and by dbl-clicking score filenames.

If you're still getting the min/max behavior, perhaps it has something to do with your monitor/desktop configuration as it seems to be for mine. I just need to be very watchful when I have two or more copies of Musescore open.

  • R

In reply to by bobjp

bobjp - Thanks for that instruction. I see that when I open the app, View>Full Screen is off, and when I click it on, the controls disappear, whichever monitor the window is on. Further, if I do what I described before, drag the window to the side monitor, and maximize it, the Full Size setting switches on automatically. So your suggestion will fix this issue. Makes sense now.

In reply to by Hitchcock1939

Hi, thanks for trying to help! F11 doesn't do anything, but weirdly, if I punch F11 really hard, it flashes my desktop screen very briefly but won't change anything. (Guess I'm getting a little punchy after all of these failed attempts...) When I go to the icons at the bottom of my screen and right click on musescore, I can do the minimize/maximize, but still get a completely blank screen.

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