New MuseScore logo?

• Jun 28, 2024 - 05:29

I admit I won't miss the old MuseScore logo, which looks like an elephant showering itself.

      Musescore Classic Logo 120px.png

But I don't know if I can coexist with the new logo I saw on today

      MuseScore logo 2024.png

Is that official? Did they inadvertently post the submission that took last place???


It looks like there's a move to unify the various Muse Group products with a similar "logo font", or iconography:
As stated in the above link provided by @graffesmusic: "A MuseScore Studio logo is on the way soon".

In reply to by scorster

I did some a bit more thinking on it. Again, these concepts are rather pedestrian. Definitely rough. Less spritely and spirited, but on point with stronger on mnemonics and imagery. And aside from the first one, they render well at small sizes.

All along the way there’s the double-S for MuseScore Studio

And that leads right to StaffPad—which currently uses a curvy staff-based logo anyhow.

Just sayin’.

        MuseScore - MuseScore Studio - StaffPad Logos.png

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Well, thank you for that! If I may quote (italics mine):

" We have chosen the wordmark for its neutrality, its discreet presence and also its clear vision, purity, balance and its link with music. Also its timelessness, it is not trendy so it will likely survive longer. This can not be said of the other logos, although there are very good ones in between.
When used, it will not put a "heavy weight" on a page or other media. It will not ask too much attention, it will not cause inconvenience to other content but it will be there, working in silence ... in all its simplicity."

Well, fifteen years is a good run, even for a wet elephant:-)

LOL now I can't unseen the cute elephant anymore. But come on, why so negative? I appreciate the contrast in color between the two sites now, dot com is purple and commercial, dot org is blue and free. What more could you ask for?

I actualy like the new logos, despite Musescore's in particular, which is probably the most important one. (OK, maybe second most because of audacity)
I do find the Ultimate Guitar Logo to be weird though. It took one element of the old logo and made the rest unreadable, newcomers won't understand it. (It's supposed to be a G)

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