Chord symbols suddenly go screwy

• Jul 1, 2024 - 05:32

Using 4.3.2 on Windows.
Happily going along making changes to a leadsheet, when suddenly chords start appearing as "Be10d". Huh?? And other chords that used to be "G7" and "C7", now appear as only "G" and "C". If I click on them to edit, I still see the "7", but not when I'm looking at the chart.
There must be a reason (and probably it's "operator error"...haha)
Thanks for any advice.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Over night, I became convinced that this was a memory problem. So I rebooted, but the problem is still there.
I restored an older version of the chart (from Dropbox), and the issue is still there. Maybe worse, with chords appearing as "Be10d" instead of "Bb", "Ee10d" instead of "Eb", and "C" instead of "C7". I've got a printout in front of me, with a modification date of a few days ago, and it shows all the chords correctly.

Fortunately it seems to be a problem with only this one chart, as other recent ones look ok.
It does use my own saved Style loaded, so seems to harken to the GitHub threads mentioned above, but understanding GitHub discussions is a little deep for me.

I guess I'll abandon this chart and start over on it. But it's disturbing to have this happen.
Thanks for any input....

In reply to by Lyle

I can't believe it! I gave up on my previous score, re-entered everything, and just noticed the same thing is happening to the new score. 8-O

Again, I'm running 4.3.2 on Windows 10. I've attached the score.
Lots of examples of unexplained behavior, but looking at rehearsal letter "B":
- the forth bar says "C C" but if you double click on those chords, you'll see it's written "C6 C7"
- the sixth bar says "Be10d Be10d", but double clicking on the chords shows it's written "Bb Bb7"

What is going on??? I'm indebted for any help, as I'm really stuck. Thanks...

Attachment Size
Walkin After Midnight.mscz 47.03 KB

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